Hair Growth Releasers

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Some hair loss experts have discovered that people have excellent hair growing results by following a low-fat diet. Many other hair care experts recommend a clean plant-based diet as very helpful for their hair care concerns.

Suggested Hair growing Tips:

1.         Eliminate smoking and cut back or eliminate caffeine and carbonated sodas, which weaken the body and block maximum hair growing potential.

2.         Eat a healthy diet. Avoid foods that are high in sugar and fat.

3.         Treat your hair like a piece of fine lace. Treat it carefully avoiding any unnecessary brushing, twisting, combing or handling.

4.         Avoid the use of extremely hot water, hot blow dryers, hot combs or other hair care tools that may stress the hair.

5.         Have a weekly scalp massage to provide stimulation to the hair follicles.

6.         Do a series of ongoing hot oil treatments to protect the hair's shaft.

7.         Have regular steaming treatments to eliminate itchy scalp and dry brittle hair.

8.         Get plenty of exercise, rest and sleep to allow your hair growing potential to soar!

9.         Reduce or eliminate the use of chemicals (perms) or coloring agents with harsh ammonia and alcohol.

That wraps up “How to Minimize Dry Scalp, Stop Hair Breakage, and Maximize Your Hair Growth Potential" series.

If you have 4c hair and it's in Sisterlocks; it grows slowly plus your scalp is itchy and your hair is dry and brittle, check out our Premium COMPLETE Collections: Peppermint  Argan  Lavender

With all 3 of these collections, the Hair Spa Steamer + Free Accessories are included!

These bundles have EVERYTHING you need to super hydrate and moisturize your hair on a regular bases, resulting in soft bouncing and manageable Sisterlocks.

***If you only want the hair care collection without the Hair Spa Steamer, check these bundles out!

I'll be in touch in the coming weeks as you'll discover and develop insights into the world of Beautiful Hair Products.

Please let me know if you have any questions by replying to this contact form.

Until next time.


P.S. NOTE: One of the BEST KEPT SECRETS to soft supple moisturized hair is STEAMING! Check out our Hair Spa Steamer. I also give a full review on our blog right here. I love this steamer!!!

Rene' Michelle Floyd

Rene' Michelle Floyd

Founder, CEO Beautiful Hair Products LLC

Visit my YouTube Channel for Tutorials