Sisterlocks hair jewelry by Lilla Rose

Sisterlocks and Hair Jewelry by Lilla Rose

Lilla Rose Hair Accessories

Being gentle and kind to your hair is key to it thriving. Wearing accessories that complement your hairstyle is a game's also, pretty!

These hair jewelry pieces are a perfect solution on your way to healing broken damaged SISTERLOCKS and natural hair.

I like to call them, "Hair Jewels" even though they are traditionally called, "hair accessories."

Lilla Rose offers beautiful hair accessories that I just love. And the best part is they are gentle on my Sisterlocks.

Lilla Rose Leather Head bands
Lilla Rose Pearls accessores
Lilla Rose U-Pins


I wear the Lilla Rose brand because the products are simply beautiful, easy on my Sisterlocks, affordable and fun to see what designs will come out next!

I have a replicate website with the company and I want to cordially invite you to shop with me, your Lilla Rose consultant.

Visit my webpage at


Lilla Rose Hair Accessories
Once you click the picture, you will be taken to my Lilla Rose Website where all the beautiful hair jewels are shown!